Meet Betty

“I may be smaller than the other girls on the track, but I’m meaner.”

Me: This is Elizabeth Silverstein.
Me: People call her Betty.
Me: On the track people call her “Little Bitches”.
Me: She’s a roller derby queen.
Betty: Correction. I’m a roller derby Goddess!

I had a couple of Roller Derby outfits, so I used one here. Originally I wanted Betty to be petite. Short and thin. But when I pushed down her height and she came out more heavy-set than I expected, I decided I liked the look for her

The key to winning her affection is to agree that Roller Derby is worth the time and effort, that’s she’s mean and tough, and that being short is a good thing

Meet Annika

“I could shit out a better game than this after eating a bad burrito!”

Me: This is Annika Hellqvist.
Me: She designs video games and visual novels.
Me: However, she had nothing whatsoever to do with this game.
Annika: Which is why this game is a piece of shit! I should never have agreed to be a part of it.
Annika: But I’m stuck now, so let’s make the best of it.

I use Annika to lampshade various problems and odd choices w/in the game, and toss in a little self-depreciating humor

The key to winning her affection is to agree that this game sucks and that she’s a better game designer than Dell