Meet Annika

“I could shit out a better game than this after eating a bad burrito!”

Me: This is Annika Hellqvist.
Me: She designs video games and visual novels.
Me: However, she had nothing whatsoever to do with this game.
Annika: Which is why this game is a piece of shit! I should never have agreed to be a part of it.
Annika: But I’m stuck now, so let’s make the best of it.

I use Annika to lampshade various problems and odd choices w/in the game, and toss in a little self-depreciating humor

The key to winning her affection is to agree that this game sucks and that she’s a better game designer than Dell


The women of Lewdo are waiting for you

Lewdo. The Dating Sim/Murder Mystery Deduction Game
Your friend, one of the twelve women pictured above, has been MURDERED! You know that one of the other eleven killed her . You have to figure out which one of them did it, while having as much sex with as many of them as you can. Actually, the sex stuff isn’t, strictly speaking, necessary. But it sure is fun!

Contains graphic nudity, violence, adult language and content, and mentions of alcohol and drug use

If you have a PC, download here

If you have a Mac, download here